The groundbreaking sketch-comedy television show, In Living Color, created by older brother, Keenen Ivory Wayans, made Damon Wayans a star. He is New York-born, the third of ten children born to a grocery store manager and a social worker, and grew up in the Fulton Housing Projects in Manhattan....
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The groundbreaking sketch-comedy television show, In Living Color, created by older brother, Keenen Ivory Wayans, made Damon Wayans a star. He is New York-born, the third of ten children born to a grocery store manager and a social worker, and grew up in the Fulton Housing Projects in Manhattan. His television and film credits include Saturday Night Live, Beverly Hills Cop, Roxanne (with Steve Martin), I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, Earth Girls are Easy, Bamboozled and My Wife and Kids, a hit tv show which he executive produced. He is a divorced father of four.
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