Dan’s Bio:With a background in animation and a love for comic books, Dan Mendoza set out to make his own Title using the elements that influenced him most. Grind house movies, Russ Meyer Films, Tokyo Shock cinema, horror, and anime.These 5 ingredients combined together made ZOMBIE TRAMP. With the...
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Dan’s Bio:With a background in animation and a love for comic books, Dan Mendoza set out to make his own Title using the elements that influenced him most. Grind house movies, Russ Meyer Films, Tokyo Shock cinema, horror, and anime.These 5 ingredients combined together made ZOMBIE TRAMP. With the 1st 7 books done completely on his own, and guidance from comic editor and friend Jason Martin, the book was eventually picked up by ACTION LAB comics for their Mature readers line DANGER ZONE.The company stayed alert to Dan's "cult" following and offered to put together a creative team to tackle making ZOMBIE TRAMP a regular ongoing series.Dan is now the writer and creative consultant to the series as well as Cover and interior artist from time to time and promises to keep the book going in the direction that his fans have come to love.Dan Says: “Not only is Janey Belle my baby, but also my therapy and stress reliever. I feel most comfortable when writing her reflections and observations on the flaws of humanity. It makes me feel good when so many fans come up to me or write me to say that Janey Belle is such a relatable character and identify with her on so many levels.”
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