by Laurell K. Hamilton
Book: Dancing (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #21.5)Author: Laurell K. HamiltonPublication Date: 9/17/2013Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook NutsMy Rating: 4 StarsREVIEWAnita, Micah and Nathaniel are off to a barbecue. Zebrowski and his wife Katie have invited friends to their home. Nathaniel gets og...
I really glad I didn't pay the $2.99 for this ebook. It is extremely short. I've read many stories from authors at the same level for only $0.99 and would've paid that for this book. I learned my lesson after the last ebook that was put out for $3 and only 33 pages. Luckily, I was able to get this f...
Book InfoKindle Edition, 59 pagesPublished September 17th 2013 by Berkley (first published September 1st 2013)ASIN B00EZGN2VOedition language Englishseries Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #22.5characters Anita Blake, Zerbrowski, Nathaniel Graison, Micah Callahanother editions (2)Source:Kindle version bo...
Anita, Micah and Nathaniel go to a BBQ at Zerbrowski’s house. People are mean to them. Anita explains the error of their ways. And that’s not a euphemism for her shooting them. There are a lot of major prejudices displayed in this book. The homophobia of forcing affection between two men to be...
Ok, so- Anita, Nate and Micah walk into a barbecue... (rim shot!)Maybe I shouldn't use terms like that... might give Hamilton ideas.Anyways, Anita & the boys are attending a cookout at Zerbrowski's house- along with their recurring guest star: Monica's four-year old son, Matthew- and it's the first ...
A good little short well written, but I think it's time Anita got some strong men in her life not 1's that need protecting all the time. Still love all the characters just bring in a strong male
This is a cute little story. Shorter than I'd expected but cute. It was nice to see Anita without someone trying to kill her. I could have done without the overdone what Micah and Nathaniel look like thing. I already know! I know this is a short story and it's good to have them as stand alone as pos...
Ok, so- Anita, Nate and Micah walk into a barbecue... (rim shot!)Maybe I shouldn't use terms like that... might give Hamilton ideas.Anyways, Anita & the boys are attending a cookout at Zerbrowski's house- along with their recurring guest star: Monica's four-year old son, Matthew- and it's the first ...