by Andy Hartnell
Yee-haw, it's a comics roundup! I've mentioned before that graphic novels generally take less time to read than other books, so I thought I'd save my reviews of comics to present all together in one big chunk. Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness(Dynamite/IDW, 2013) In this franchise mash-up, acerbi...
I have a new review up on my personal blog of this crossover collection published by Dynamite Comics, Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness. Excerpt: "This collection compiles the first six issues of the title comic. This is a crossover of Danger Girl and Army of Darkness. I think readers of either...
Sort of a cross between the Evil Dead and Charlie's Angels. It even has Bruce Campbell in it. Odd mix, never was going to win any awards for originality or intelligence, but enjoyable enough. I like the artwork too.