Book Title: Legend's Promise Author: Dani Jace Genre: Paranormal Romance/Erotica Release Date: February 25, 2017 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions Hawk shifter, and bad-boy biker, Shane Cheveyo spent years trying to outride his secret life and memories of his first love, who left ...
Jax is a Navy Seal and was getting on a helicopter when he was shot in the thigh. He lands in Norfolk, Va where he was to meet up with an old friend T J. He stops at Trident which is a bar/ restaurant and meets Peri who is a bartender. But Jax was drinking whiskey on top of his pain pills for his i...
Joanne/ Jo has an up and coming career as a surfer. After her dad died Bobby who was her brother and his best friend Ray- who loved Jo but promised her father not to stand in her way - made sure Jo gets her chance. She got a boyfriend while in college - Vic- and he set Jo up as a drug dealer and it...