It takes a lot for me to abandon a book. I don't do it often (though I feel like I should), but even if I'm not liking a book very much, I still tend to finish it. The Flight of the Silvers is a book I feel like I should have abandoned, because once I realize that I don't like a book, all the things...
My Reaction Before the Generous FriendI want to read this but I refuse to pay 11.99 for an ebook that is not even well known. The paperback is only 13 cents more. You guys do realize ebooks aren't made of paper, right? Most people choose ebooks due to the savings....just saying. No thanks greedy...
This is not the type of book that I'd normally read, but there was just something so interesting and unique about the book summary that I was eager to read this. The Flight of the Silvers is advertised as genre-bending and I agree with that, but if I had to categorize this book I'd call it (as the a...