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Like the Ultimate Blog Tour for the first Venators novel, Venators: Magic Unleashed, back in March, I'm going to take what I posted last year when the novel was initially released and then add on some new thoughts, with a focus on the recently published audiobook. So the ending of the previous boo...
I don't have much to say about this that I didn't already say in my review for the paper book and my review for the first audiobook. It was nice knowing all the things Bren didn't know this time around, and man I really wanted him to get some rest and read his post-surgery care instructions. I had f...
Series: Foreigner #5 I think this must be the slowest one yet. Oh well, I know at least some excitement happens in the next one.
Series: Foreigner #4 I feel like all my reviews for this series are the same. Parts of this were interesting, some parts were slow, and Ilisidi is still awesome.
Series: Foreigner #3 Inheritor takes place about 6 months after the last book, so Jase has now sort of settled in and learned some Ragi although he’s supposed to stick to the children’s language to avoid offending the Atevi. Bren and Jase are basically at odds throughout because neither has been e...