One of two books I remember reading in honor of the millennium; the other was Stephen Jay Gould's Questioning the Millennium. So one look back and one look forward. The look back was fascinating. Although I know more about the history of the British isles than any place outside the US it remains imp...
As I said above, this book was quite fun to read. It was an interesting angle to use archaeological evidence and historic documentation to extrapolate an ethnography of the early English people. The division of the chapters to reflect aspect of culture based on what the common man of the day would h...
bookshelves: winter-20142015, published-1998, history, fraudio, medieval5c-16c, nonfiction, lifestyles-deathstyles, tbr-busting-2014, weapon-evolution, washyourmouthout-language, vikings, true-grime, slaves, religion, politics, plague-disease, period-piece, ouch, newtome-author, medical-eew, food-g...
A series of interviews with serving members of the silent service and some of their partners. Danziger interviews all levels of staff from captains to the lowly but vital cooks. Gives you a good insight of the mental strength that a man need to serve on these boats. The only tragedy of this is that ...
Quick, skimmy overview. Highlight is the smutty riddles.