Will read and rate/review as I go along..I'm sure they will contain some spoilers! ;)An average of 3-4* The Thank You Note by Jamie Freeman 3.5*An established couple decides on a 3rd for their anniversary! I liked the couple, they are very different like day and night and Aiden was cute! This is ano...
All of the stories were really good. I could have used a bit more sex in some but that is just me. ;)
This was a great anthology. All of the stories were good. However, my favorites (in no particular order) were: Not Just A Piece Of Meat by Zahra OwensGetting a Filling by JL MerrowBeautiful Friend by Dar MavisonNeighbors by Day, Naughty by Night by Devon RhodesBreaking the Habit by Heidi ChampaPerfo...
Like many anthologies, there were great stories in this book and several that left me scratching my head and trying to figure out what the author(s) were thinking. All in all though, the good far outweighed the bad and I would certainly recommend it.