by Dee Davis
Originally posted on The Book Nympho Quick summaryNash Brennon and Annie Gallagher were once CIA covert operatives and partners. She disappeared following an op that went terribly wrong and hasn't been heard from since (eight years). He's now part of A-Tac, an elite CIA unit masquerading as facult...
I recently decided I needed to get out of my comfort zone, and Dark Deceptions seemed like the perfect book to do that with. I'm not usually a fan of military-type storylines, but Dark Deceptions may have changed my mind.Annie Gallagher and Nash Brennon were a team - undercover, covert operations. B...
I hate cops. In and out of books. If I love the author and premise and series but there is a cop in the main cast I cannot stand it.That being said, I won this book and thought I would give it a fair shot."Impress me" I said to Dee Davis."No, I'm too lazy." said Dee Davis.Bunch of cliches and a bu...
Really liked this one. I liked that the hero and heroine didn't hold a grudge after they found out that neither was to blame for their breakup. Although Nash held onto his skepticism a little longer than I would have liked, I thought it realistic given who he was. I found Annie's actions believable,...