by M.J. Putney, Mary Jo Putney
In 1803, society frowns on magically gifted gentry. In fact if you're caught using magic, you are sent to Lackland Abbey - a prison-like school that is devoted to removing your magical abilities. Lady Victoria "Tori" Mansfield is one such person though upon entry to Lackland she is immediately enmes...
Really enjoyed this and cant wait to see what happens next.
It was okay, but didn't have as much character depth or potential amazingness as it could have had. And the writing was a bit awkward.
Dark Mirror was such a refreshing read. I loved the clear writing and the story line was unique and interesting, although there were a couple flaws for me, I still really enjoyed it!I LOVE history, so when I realized this is going to be filled with historical events I got so excited! Lady Victoria M...
Dark Mirror was such a refreshing read. I loved the clear writing and the story line was unique and interesting, although there were a couple flaws for me, I still really enjoyed it! I LOVE history, so when I realized this is going to be filled with historical events I got so excited! Lady Victoria...
This could have been so good - and the beginning was indeed extremely promising: A young English Lady born into an alternative version of the Georgian era who is able to fly! A society which has chosen to shun gentryfolk with magical abilities, but embraces the "tainted blood" in commoners out of co...
It was actually quite good for a book surrounding the theme of time-travel, but it did not impress.
2.5 starsI didn't really care for this book. I was never invested in any of the characters, nor could I get into the storyline. I found it boring. I did think it was a refreshing take on magic, but was tame for my liking. I know this is a YA book, but it failed to captivate me. It's such a shame bec...