Dark Moon was written in an era when everyone had the idea to "think big" with regards to science fiction. This meant fast progress, the exploration of unknown outer space, and the presence of brave characters who would stop at nothing to take their heroic adventures to the end. Part of a trilogy...
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Dark Moon was written in an era when everyone had the idea to "think big" with regards to science fiction. This meant fast progress, the exploration of unknown outer space, and the presence of brave characters who would stop at nothing to take their heroic adventures to the end. Part of a trilogy that capturedtheimagination ofyoungreaders for decadestocome,thisnovella was written intheearly years oftheGolden Age of sci-fi,introducingascientifically advancedfutureEarth and a mysterythatjust had tobeexplored.Charles W. Diffin startsthestory with Walter Harkness,thenow owner of Harkness Industries,reminiscingonhis father'svision of a technologicallyadvancedfuture,whenflyingspace freighters wouldhelptheglobalindustryexpand to a wholenewlevel.It is now 1973 - thirty years in Diffin's future - and itseemsthat Harkness,along with hisbravecompanions,Diane Delacoeur and Chet Bullard,havetoventure to the newlydiscoveredsatellite.What mysteries willthisnew worldreveal,and what is itsultimatesecret?Embarking on a journeythatmight be a one-way trip,Diffin's fascinatingcharacters pavetheway for the futureofscience-fiction.Taking into accountthefact thatthisstory was written intheearly 20thcentury,in anerawhen technologicalprogressseemed to accelerateexponentially,theadvancedfuture that theauthorenvisioned was morethanplausible atthetime.Readers who are familiarwithcaptivating earlysci-fitales such asthisone,and who have experiencedtheexpansive technological development thatourplanet hasgonethrough during thesecondhalf of the 20thcentury willdefinitely appreciatethisbook. Younger readers willalsolove the fastpacedaction andbelievablecharacters,aswellas theplottwists that seemtocrop up justabouteverywhere.Ifyouwant totakepart in atimelessadventure that willkeepyou onyourtoes from starttofinish,Dark Moon is definitely worthalook,as are Diffin's othertwogems,the DarkMoonsequels entitled Brood of the Dark Moon and The Finding of Haldgren.
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