by Lynn Viehl
While this story of the romance between Samantha Brown and Lucan is interesting I found Lucan quite irritating and couldn't really understand why such a strong person like Samantha would find Lucan so attractive and not want to slap him more. He's a suspect, he can control her mind and she's not qu...
This is so gripping! I have to read more! I just realized why I like this author so much: she reminds me of [a:Nalini Singh|71688|Nalini Singh|]!
Wow, the mystery grows deeper... and Lucan DOES have a heart!
Enough with Alex already. Didn't she have her own book~
We met our hero in the previous book (Private Demon), where he was introduced as a really, really nasty guy. One thing I like about Lynn Viehl is that there's not a single characters of hers that is two dimensional -- even the bad guys have their redeeming qualities.. Lucan reminds me a lot of Lesta...
ok i don't really remember liking Lukan from the previous books, but he seems much better improved in this one, way better improved, so far he seems to be my favourite or the DarkynOf course as usual Alexandra is the star of these books.What i did feel was that the ending was totally rushed, to many...
This is the third book of the Darkyn Series.Lucan, the pet assassin of the Darkyn King, has settled in Florida and has been given his own Jardin to rule. He is no longer at Richard's beck and call and is still nursing a deep hatred of Michael Cyprien. He has opened a nightclub with a Goth theme th...