by Jack Williamson, Dennis Wheatley
I finally finished this sucker. Far from being a page turner, I found it tedious. For me the novel has four big problems: the writing is bad, okay it's pulpy, it hasn't dated well, the main character who tells the story from a first person perspective is a fool that we NEVER sympathize with, and lyc...
What I liked most about this book, despite the dated prose and setting, is that it effectively merges the Homo Lycanthropus with Homo Sapiens to form a coherent explanation about the influence of the Lycantrope on human history...
A story about a man and a werewolf and his descent into madness or werewolf. It's interesting but it's really not my kind of thing. I didn't really get any connection with the characters and almost stopped reading in the middle due to this lack of interest. It was interesting to compare some of t...
Excellent atmospheric dark fantasy novel, with enough SF elements to keep it from drifting into horror range. The scene where the main character first transforms is unforgettable. The title pretty much sums up my reaction to the ending.
This book is to the werewolf story what "I Am Legend" is to the vampire story. That is high praise and I enjoyed this book immensely.The intermingled themes of folklore, anthropology, Indiana-Jonesesque archeology, quantum physics, pulp-noir detective, witchcraft, psychological and supernatural mur...
A gripping story from start to finish that provides a different take on the idea of lycanthropy drawing together strands from quantum mechanics, freudian psycology and evolutionary theory.
Another in my 12 in 2012 reads. Reading all this classic science fiction, I'm starting to see a pattern. So many of the books I've read seem to be centrally concerned with "the future of mankind," as if we all have a single future. For good or ill that future is generally in the hands of a few sp...