Darkest Mercy (Audio)
9780062062000 (006206200X)
Publish date: February 22nd 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Edition language: English
Series: Wicked Lovely (#5)
A fitting end to the series, this book ties up all the threads that were left dangling by the other books without too neat a bow.
Dei cinque libri che compongo la storia di Aislinn, Seth, Keenan, Donia, Lesley, Irial e Niall, Darkest Mercy è sicuramente quello che mi è piaciuto di più.Ho sempre amato i racconti di fate, tanto che sia questa serie che quella di Lesley Livingston l'ho comprata a occhi chiusi e se della seconda m...
Inhalt: Der Sommerkönig Keenan ist verschwunden. Die Elfenhöfe bereiten sich auf die entscheidende Schlacht vor. Ein mächtiger Fremder ist auf den nächtlichen Straßen von Huntsdale unterwegs. Und Ashlyn - die sehnt sich wie verrückt nach Seth, während sie versucht, ihren eigenen Hof zusammenzuhalten...
9/22/12 expiresI enjoyed this quite a bit...liked the final solution.
This was my favorite book of the entire series. I liked the way Melissa Marr manages to bring about an ending that you didn't really see coming and yet makes it work. And in the scope of her world, it makes sense, too.