Nine days in a man's life to see the effects of alien plants that invade. Interesting.
Audiobook3-1/2 starsI liked the beginning and the end but the middle was bogged down by torture seemingly with a smile that went on way too long. But taking in the beginning, some of the middle, and the ending, the book was really good. The narrator David Marantz did a great job.
Anthology. As I was reading this book there seemed to be a theme of rollerskating lesbians but then I found out there were some other stories interspersed. I wonder if that was initially what the publisher were going for but then needed extra stories to fill it out. The average rating is 3.33 stars....
2.5 (it was okay) for me but I'll bump it up to a 3 because I'm such a sweetheart (said no one ever). This is the story of a once famous family who were shamed when their patriarch screws up on national tv and exposes himself for a fraud. Except they’re not all frauds but try telling that to anyon...
I read this and then forgot about it so quickly I didn't put it in with my other goodreads updates today. So, it wasn't bad, but I guess it wasn't memorable for me. The plot was convoluted where it didn't have to be. I liked the worldbuilding where the drugs and chemjet printers were concerned.