Enterprise is on the way to negotiations with the Maabas when a Kenisian ship attacks and claims the Maabas' homeplanet as their long lost homeworld from which they were driven off millennia ago by unknown conquerors - the same ones which centuries later attacked the Maabas and caused them to settle...
Taking the author's own words, "Troublesome Minds" was conceived to be read as if watching a new TOS-episode (including "hearing" the opening credits after the introductory chapter) - and I certainly got the nostalgic feeling of being reintroduced to TV-TOS including a gripping story and a strong tr...
Part 11 of the SCE-series tells the classic tale of the ship (i.e. our heroes), trying to come to the rescue of a remote outpost facing annihilation when they come under attack themselves. Now they have to improvise their way out of the situation, all under a tight timeframe and with the lives of th...
Four more light stories, with continuity from the previous book and other semi-canon trek incidents. These are fun stories, I'll definitely read more.
I never really thought of myself as a fan of Star Trek. In fact, I thought it was going to be very similar to Star Wars—which I do not like by the way—but I was very pleasantly surprised when I read this book. It was a lovely read and makes me very excited to see the new movie. And I must admit that...