Overcoming a life threatening childhood, Dave Pelzer is the epitome of a self-made man. For over twenty years, Dave has been a catalyst for dramatic social change by promoting resilience. Dave's prestigious accomplishments include personal commendations from Presidents Reagan, Bush, Clinton and...
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Overcoming a life threatening childhood, Dave Pelzer is the epitome of a self-made man. For over twenty years, Dave has been a catalyst for dramatic social change by promoting resilience. Dave's prestigious accomplishments include personal commendations from Presidents Reagan, Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush. In 1993, Dave was honored as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Americans. A year later Dave was the only American to be honored as The Outstanding Young Persons of the World! In 2005, Dave was presented with the National Jefferson Award, which is considered to be the Pulitzer Prize for public service. Dave is also the author of seven life changing books, beginning with A Child Called "It" that started a world-wide phenomenon. His newest book, Too Close To Me is being released September 1, 2014.
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