I received a copy from Penguin's First to Read. Not for me. I keep picking this up, reading a few chapters and putting it aside. The story is simply not grabbing my attention at the moment. There is nothing wrong with the novel that I can think of, I don't hate any of the characters. It's a fairly...
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.I decided to read this book partly because of the amazing cover. Seriously, the cover just screams "read me" to me. It wasn't just the cover that grabbed my interested though. I loved the synopsis and have had the author's debut novel on my TB...
This is a book for 14 to 18 year olds and pure fiction. Its a murder mystery, who dunnit kind of book which I am sure teenager’s will absolutely love. This book is harrowing at times but has you smiling in other parts. The characters are great and a real mismatched group of kids. I liked how we get ...