Sound advice, I wouldn't eat them either. I think from the title it is clear that this is not the most serious book and that you will have to let reason go at times in order for it to make sense (if it makes sense at all, that is). In this case, what you see is what you get, because it is exactly ...
Habt ihr schon gehört, dass Netgalley nach Deutschland kommt? Ja, es gibt nun eine deutsche Version, über die deutsche Buchtitel angefragt werden können. Mich freut das sehr, denn das Prinzip ist großartig. Wo sonst können Rezensent_innen so unkompliziert mit Verlagen und Autor_innen in Kontakt tret...
The synopsis on this was amazing and sounded like a lovely mix-up of fairy tales and fun, so much so that I couldn't wait to dive right in. I was moving right along, quite enjoying this, until I started getting weirded out by the kind of ridiculous amount of guns and the sheer zaniness of having thi...
[I received a copy of this novel from the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.]Both funny and leading one to think about darker themes, though a bit confusing at times.I pretty much enjoyed this this novel. Its cover, for starters. Its grim version of a Wonderland not turned into gothic-like...
I felt the ending was rushed.
If I’m honest I found Alice Takes Back Wonderland difficult to get into. The author has taken many of the childhood stories that we all know and love and written them for an adult audience. I’m not entirely sure if I agree with this or not. The whole thing felt like stealing to me as the stories sta...
After ten years of being told she can’t tell the difference between real life and a fairy tale, Alice finally stops believing in Wonderland. So when the White Rabbit shows up at her house, Alice thinks she’s going crazy. Only when the White Rabbit kicks her down the rabbit hole does Alice realize th...