While this novel is termed as being a part of the romantic tradition, it is not actually a romance, just as Jane Eyre (written by Bronte's sister) isn't a love story either. It was written during a period of British History when the modern novel was beginning to take form and develop though novels h...
Die Geschichte der Familien Earnshaw und Linton, die über 3 Generationen hinweg erzählt wird, spielt im Hochmoor von Yorkshire. Der Waisenjunge Heathcliff wird von Mr. Earnshaw von einer Reise mit nach Hause gebracht und wächst von nun an als Teil der Familie mit den Kindern der Earnshaws Catherine ...
Literally hateful.
Another one of those books I started reading but got disinterested in. I enjoyed the old black and white movie version with Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon, but ultimately this story is just is too tragic for my liking.