This isn't the type of ATLAS that has maps in it. This is the type of atlas that has tables, illustrations, some maps that are more illustrations than useful guides, charts and a bit of superficial half-summaries of places and events under headings. This book is pretty but there is nothing of subs...
The book itself is beautiful, but it is not an atlas like I expected; one with lots of maps.This book has some maps, but is also full of dates, history stories and explanations. I liked some of the stories, but there were quite a few that I didn't understand at all. I have a feeling that I should ha...
While not the authoritative resource with evidence to uphold claims, this was still quite an entertaining read and should be held as just that. Entertainment. That said, the book was very well written. I found myself pausing several times to browse the Internet for more reading on certain topics ins...
The Hobbit Companion is a charming guide for anyone who has just read [b:The Hobbit|5907|The Hobbit|J.R.R. Tolkien||1540236] or read it many years ago. However, unlike other guides it features watercolour paintings and analyses the world of The Hobbit...
In ye olden days of the mid-1980s books and bookstores focused on money and power. Finances and the law were hot topics...elves and magic, not so much. So when I, a humble Tolkien fan, discovered this brilliant tome of all things Tolkien I nearly cried.A Tolkien Bestiary is an illustrated collection...