This book is awesome. It is a little behind the times in regard to preorders and which paid ads offer links to retailers besides Amazon, but other than that, everything seems pretty sound. I can't wait to apply some of what I've learned.
This review is for the 2nd Edition. This book rocks. It's pretty much your step-by-step guide for success in indie publishing. I can't wait to put it all to the test later this year. I got this book as part of the Indie Power Pack, but it's worth buying at full price. Of the three books in the pack,...
This review is organized according to the number of grains of salt with which I think a reader should take David Gaughran’s advice. Salt-free Sprinkle The whole shaker When Gaughran has done his research and adequately documented it, he’s informative and persuasive. When he bases his advice on h...
Larger than life, Lee Christmas was a man loved and hated, sometimes both by the same person. This novel went deeper than mere historical facts, and pulled the reader into the life stream of one of the craziest and most daring men of his day. He loved deeply, punished himself when he fell short of h...
I felt completely betrayed by this. This isn't even a short story. It's a prelude to a novel - a novel that it appears the author has no intention of writing. It's one thing to write a story and leave the reader wondering what happens next, but in this case we get a story without any kind of conclus...
It's difficult to have an opinion of a story this short.
Decent. Well-written. I'm just not really a fan of short stories. But if you are, it was a lot of fun and quite surprising.
Transfection for me was a let down – the cover was perfect, the blurb intriguing and concept exciting but the execution – just didn't live up to the promise. Transfection is a short story of only 5,700 words, I have nothing against short stories but hold them to the same standards as a full novel, a...