*** 3 stars ***A hot shortie, however unrealistic. The characters were not much developed, but this is pretty much PWP-porn-without-plot. It read like a not-so-straight-guy's porn fantasy. I enjoyed it, because hotness.Rated down because of Ben getting a blowjob from another guy at the club and the...
3.5 starsNow this was quite a sexy story, although very unrealistic.
Thanks to the author for the effort and participating in this event and offering this freebie.
4.5 starsThis was so funny. I laughed a lot with these guys. And of course, the sex scenes was HOT. This was typical kind of story. I'm sure I've read it somewhere else before. But there's something in the writing that makes me want to keep reading it. I feel the chemistry between them. And I got HE...