Title: A Serenade To Die ForAuthor: Janet Fogg & David JacksonPublisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc.Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: FiveReview:"A Serenade To Die For" by Janet FoggMy Thoughts....Wow, this was quite one of those reads that you will not want to put it down because it seems like every pa...
I loved this book! It was SOOOO good. A killer is killing women and it seems it's because of their religious beliefs. Meanwhile, the author is letting us into the psyche of the killer. We are reading about the childhood of the killer. It starts when the killer is five years old and how the mother pu...
David Jackson's previous novels were set in New York, I've read the first but have them all. And it was very good. This new series featuring Nathan Cody is set much close to home in my favourite UK city, Liverpool. I like to read a novel set somewhere that I am familiar with. When Cody first appeare...