totally irreverent, but definitely had me laughing throughout.
I have a mad crush on Jon Stewart. I don't think there has been more than one or two things that I have disagreed with him on and I laugh hysterically when I watch the Daily Show. I loved America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction so I am very disappointed that this one fell flat. I...
It was funny, but it ran every joke into the ground. Should have been much shorter for the given amount of material.
This is one of those concepts that seems like it would be funnier than it can ever be in execution. The book has some very funny bits, most of the Genesis material is very good, but any memoir of God is going to have to deal with subjects like the crucifixion, the diaspora, the crusades, and the ho...
I'm adding this because I like David Javerbaum, but I'm the kind of person who thinks it's funny that Goodreads has an author page for God.