David Lavery is the author of over one hundred and twenty published essays and reviews and author/co-author/editor/co-editor of twenty books published or under contract: Late for the Sky: The Mentality of the Space Age (Southern Illinois U P, 1992), Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin...
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David Lavery is the author of over one hundred and twenty published essays and reviews and author/co-author/editor/co-editor of twenty books published or under contract: Late for the Sky: The Mentality of the Space Age (Southern Illinois U P, 1992), Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks (Wayne State U P, 1994), "Deny All Knowledge": Reading The X-Files (Syracuse U P, 1996), Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slaye(Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), Teleparody: Predicting/Preventing the TV Discourse of Tomorrow (Wallflower, Columbia U P, 2002), This Thing of Ours: Investigating The Sopranos (Wallflower, Columbia U P, 2002), Seinfeld, Master of Its Domain: Revisiting Television's Greatest Sitcom (Continuum, 2006), Unlocking the Meaning of Lost: An Unauthorized Guide (Sourcebooks, 2006, 2007), Reading Deadwood: A Western to Swear By and Reading The Sopranos: Hit TV from HBO (in the Reading Contemporary Television Series, I. B. Tauris, 2006), Dear Angela: Remembering My So Called Life (Lexington Books, 2006), Lost's Buried Treasures (Sourcebooks, 2008, 2009, 2010), Saving the World: A Guide to Heroes (ECW, 2007), Finding Battlestar Galactica (Sourcebooks, 2007), The Essential Cult TV Reader (U P Kentucky, 2009), Screwball Television: Critical Perspectives on the Gilmore Girls (Syracuse U P, 2010), Joss Whedon: Conversations (U P Mississippi, 2010), On the Verge of Tears (forthcoming from Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), and Joss: A Creative Portrait of the Maker of the Whedonverses (forthcoming from I. B. Tauris/St. Martin's). The organizer of international conferences on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Sopranos, and Lost, a founding co-editor of the journals Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies and Critical Studies in Television, he has lectured around the world on the subject of television (Australia, Turkey, the UK, Portugal, New Zealand, Ireland, Germany) and has been a guest/source for the BBC, NPR, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, The New York Times, A Folha de Sao Paulo (Brazil), Publica (Portugal), The Toronto Star, USA Today. To learn more about him, visit his home page at http://davidlavery.net/. His C.V (in PDF) is available here: http://davidlavery.net/CV/Lavery_Curriculum_Vitae.pdf.
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