I was born in Geneva, Switzerland, my father a diplomat with the State Deparment. I've loved the mountains ever since. After four years there we moved to Liverpool, England, which left me a Beatles fan for life. Then to Potomac, Maryland, where I found I could hypnotize my friends and relatives...
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I was born in Geneva, Switzerland, my father a diplomat with the State Deparment. I've loved the mountains ever since. After four years there we moved to Liverpool, England, which left me a Beatles fan for life. Then to Potomac, Maryland, where I found I could hypnotize my friends and relatives after reading a short book on the topic. A weekend TM (transcendental meditation) class at Colorado College started me off on a path of Zen meditation, and I took a year off from college to travel through Europe to India, where I did several meditation and yoga retreats. After college my sister and I bought a small natural foods store, which inspired me to go to medical school in Denver, CO, bringing a holistic orientation to my studies. Psychiatry was clearly my favorite specialty, and I did my residency and psychoanalytic training at the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, KS, and at the Houston Psychoanalytic Institute. At a college reunion I went for a hike with my best friend Bill Birchard, now a writer, and we decided to write The One-Minute Meditator together. Today I'm enjoying my private practice in Denver, integrating meditation into my daily work with patients. To learn more about my practice, please visit my website, davidnicholmd.com.
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