David Rieff
Birth date: September 28, 1952
David Rieff's Books
I was fortunate to be reading this along [b:Rapt Attention and the Focused Life|6262510|Rapt Attention and the Focused Life|Winifred Gallagher|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1408920525s/6262510.jpg|6445747]; Sontag's journal is an excellent example of how focus works. Sontag was - or seemed - very e...
1. One must bear in mind, reading this selection from Susan Sontag's diaries, why they were edited and published in the first place: Sontag sold her diaries, along with all her writings, to the UCLA library, and since there was no clause limiting rights to access or publication of these materials, h...
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer