David Wood is the author of the popular action-adventure series, The Dane Maddock Adventures, as well as several stand-alone works and two series for young adults. Under his David Debord pen name he is the author of the Absent Gods fantasy series. When not writing, he co-hosts the ThrillerCast...
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David Wood is the author of the popular action-adventure series, The Dane Maddock Adventures, as well as several stand-alone works and two series for young adults. Under his David Debord pen name he is the author of the Absent Gods fantasy series. When not writing, he co-hosts the ThrillerCast podcast. David and his family live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Visit him online at www.davidwoodweb.com. BOOKS AND SERIESTHE DANE MADDOCK ADVENTURES1. Dourado2. Cibola3. Quest4. Icefall5. Buccaneer6. AtlantisDANE MADDOCK ORIGINS1. Freedom2. Hell Ship3. Splashdown4. Dead Ice5. Liberty6. ElectraJADE IHARA ADVENTURES1. Oracle2. Changeling (forthcoming)THE MYRMIDON FILES1. DestinyBROCK STONE ADVENTURES1. Arena of SoulsSTAND-ALONE BOOKSDark RiteInto the WoodsThe Zombie-Driven LifeYou SuckWRITING AS DAVID DEBORD1. The Silver Serpent2. Keeper of the Mists3. The Gates of Iron
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