I found this an odd combination of several genres. One was fantasy where a young woman is a warrior in a religion is thrust between politics and her beliefs. Another was a sort of historical romance where she is found by a pirate captain who intrigues her. Last, there is a vampire who lives in the w...
This was such a fun romp! Perfect book to break the monotony of reading the same genre.The setting of the story is some sort of fantasy/alternative history with kings, aristocracy, knights, sun cult, assassins and plenty of superstitions and fairy-tales.Cameo is an assassin whose mission goes all wr...
Cameo the Assassin is set in a past/alternative world that is both dark and bleak. As the story begins, Cameo is clinging to life, after a brutal rape and attack. But a vampire steps in and keeps her from succumbing. She survives, in a manner of speaking. She becomes the vampire's thrall, half-li...
Cameo the Assassin took me by surprise. I was expecting a run-of-the-mill vamp novel and it didn't deliver that! What I got was a steampunk-esque (though I'm not sure I'd qualify it completely as Steampunk) story about a ghoul, I mean girl, who's a hired killer-with-a-soul for the Association (dun...