Book Circle Reads 75Title: [THE LOCUSTS HAVE NO KING]Author: [[DAWN POWELL]]Rating: 4* of fiveThe Book Description: No one has satirized New York society quite like Dawn Powell, and in this classic novel she turns her sharp eye and stinging wit on the literary world, and "identifies every sort of pu...
Dawn Powell is apparently one of those unsung heroes, a favorite of Hemingway and Vidal. This seems to be the best-loved of her books by slim consensus; other nominees (in case I can't find this) include something about locusts and A Time To Be Born.
I do love the immersion into NYC life and Dawn Powell has some snarky approaches to life.
The edges on Dawn Powell's novel are sharp enough to cut. No one in this satire of 40's New York escapes her critical gaze. All the characters are morally bankrupt sell-outs and hypocrites, or else they're lunch for the carnivores. All the same, I didn't detest anyone enough to stop reading. Somehow...
Come Back to Sorrento is a beautifully written, tenderly told, sometimes painfully insightful novel about the stories people make up to give their lives a feeling of purpose, inevitability, and magnificence. Set in small town Ohio, it’s mainly the story of two friends, a soprano who became a wife a...
The short story "What are you doing in my dreams" is worth the price of the book.
This was another book from Michael Dirda's list of 100 Best Humorous Books in the English Language, and another one that I enjoyed reading, but not so much for any comedy. I'd chalk it up to a difference of definition of what humor is, except so many of the books on Dirda's list that I had read I t...