by Adam Levin, Maaike Bijnsdorp, Ton Heuvelmans, Edzard Krol
sorry to say it, but after wading through over 400 pages of this book I gave up..a whole section about a game called slapslap finally did me in..(I got the point of it in context, but found myself flipping through the pages waiting for something to happen and for me that's not a good sign.I didn't l...
sorry to say it, but after wading through over 400 pages of this book I gave up..a whole section about a game called slapslap finally did me in..(I got the point of it in context, but found myself flipping through the pages waiting for something to happen and for me that's not a good sign.I didn't l...
This book was one of those that I had to digest for a while after reading it before I wrote a review, which I guess is a good thing, especially for a book of this size.A story about 10-year old Gurion, a troubled genius Jewish kid who thinks he might be the messiah, the book spans the four consecuti...
Over the years I've learned that I have a great fondness for postmodernist leanings in literature. I've also learned that this fondness only goes so far. Stories which implement postmodernist techniques favor strongly with me; however, experiments of wordplay where the story, if there ever was one, ...
Okay so Cait totally splooshes over this and it gets, y'know, all the attention and all. I could try it out.
Actually, my copy looks more like this..
I've had enough. There are a couple of laugh out loud funny parts in the first 100 or so pages of The Instructions, but they're not enough to make me feel anything but blasé about the rest of it. I’m 200 or so pages in and there’s so much to go that it’s just daunting, and the list of books I can’t ...