by Kimberly Raye
Lil Marchette is your "new" vampire, she's not into wearing black, likes shoes and modern clothes, and is ditzy. When given a choice between joining the family copy-shop and finding a new career she decides that a new career is good, the new career she decides on is matchmaking, for both the undead...
This review is for books 1-5 of the DED series. I am just reviewing them now because I litterally could not stop reading. These books were hilarious! I read a lot at night and I had to get up several times and go into another room because I was laughing so hard I thought that I might wake up my husb...
Lil Marchette is your "new" vampire, she's not into wearing black, likes shoes and modern clothes, and is ditzy. When given a choice between joining the family copy-shop and finding a new career she decides that a new career is good, the new career she decides on is matchmaking, for both the undead ...
Started Dead end Dating by Kimberly Raye got to 30% and am dropping it ! It reads like a silly copy of the Undead series by MJDaivson. (a series I enjoyed in the early books)The main character is fashion/labels/looks obsessed, she turns into a pink bat ?!? I found myself skipping paragraphs, forcin...
I have read all of MaryJanice Davidson's Undead series, really enjoy all of Michele Bardsley's Broken Heart, OK series and could look past a lot of Marty's babbling about color-wheels in Dakota Cassidy's Accidental Friends series, but this one ... I just don't know if I will read any add'l books in ...