by T.G. Ayer
you can tell it's self published as the writing is clunky and needs to be reigned in.There's also need for major editing. Characterisation is not tight at all.
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Dead Radiance by T.G. AyerDead Radiance is a Mythology adventure, this is something I don’t normally read but to be honest I loved the cover and decided I should read it. T.G. Ayer writing is good, the story flowed well, character descriptions were well written well and I felt like I got to know an...
*Originally posted on Pages Of Forbidden LoveBefore starting this book the most I have watched or read about Valkyries was in an episode of Charmed I watched years ago. This was all pretty much a new concept for me. I’ve never read a book about this so I didn’t have any preconceived expectations. It...