by Craig Saunders
Take a touch of film noir, add a little bit of hard boiled and a smidgen of Stephen King stir them all together and the final result will be something very similar to Deadlift. I did enjoy this short tale told in a very direct manner through the eyes of a troubled David Lowe abused in childhood by a...
I liked this. The taut storytelling, the stripped-down prose style. It read like not a word was wasted. Deadlift's a cool noir tale with a unique central conceit that, on its own, would have made for a pretty fine read, but Saunders mixes in a little something extra that takes this up another level...
First off, thanks to everyone who recommended this book to me after reading my review of Bloodeye: Paul Nelson, Matthew Pontiff, Charlene Cocrane, Dan Schwent... my apologies to anyone I missed. I probably wouldn't have found this one otherwise, since I missed it on NetGalley. Deadlift is thus far...
When David Lowe thought his wife was cheating on him, he hired a man to kill her. Now, he's holding an elevator cable and is the only one who can save her life. That is, if the man in the mask doesn't kill him first...This is the first book in my Kindle Unlimited Experiment. For the 30 day trial, I'...
David is a weightlifter and soon finds himself using his skills in an unexpected way to try and save his supposedly cheating wife.It's hard to really peg this story as it starts out as an all action thriller, deftly switching between different timeframes to layer a tightly packed story. It then slig...
Darkfuse has put out several very good supernatural noir stories recently and Deadlift is certainly among them.First it starts out as an edge of the seat straight forward thriller---how long can this giant of a man, yet still a man with human limitations, hold onto the cable of a falling elevator wi...
A very solid and original novella from DarkFuse and Craig Saunders. David is a very big dude. A very strong dude. A very jealous dude. A gross misunderstanding sets in motion a train of events that even a power lifter like David can’t stop. As characters intersect, the story takes on a much more si...