by Victor J. Banis
In the beginning, I found Banis’ humour heavy and passive aggressive. It’s fun to play being politically incorrect, but after too many jokes, you start to sound insecure and annoying. In the end, I found him sharp and hilarious, and sometimes, I frowned, rolled my eyes and laughed at the same quip o...
DNF - 50%This book fell completely flat for me. The mystery part bored me to death and I did not connect with either of the MCs. So I'd rather stop right now and move on to another book.
I will read on...
Excellent m/m mystery set in San Francisco. Gay police rookie Stanley must be the perfect guy to work on solving murders committed by a drag queen, right? While the SFPD thinks so, straight cop Tom, who gets stuck with Stanley as a partner, is not at all convinced.
This is another gay-themed murder mystery series (aside PsyCop and Adrien English) that piques my curiousity because it seems as getting good reviews. I have to say, as for the first book, it surely captures my interest. The mystery part is intriguing ... I was able to figure out the real murderer b...