by Kylie Brant
What a complete an utter disappointment. Slow, bland, dull with boring, uninteresting characters; a hero that could've been great, but was far removed from the glimpses of Adam Raiker we got throughout the series, and a bland, rather one-dimensional heroine. The romance, even though its "lukewarmne...
This was a well-written romantic suspense story with engaging characters and a really creepy plot. Someone shoots a Supreme Court Justice and sets off a major investigation involving the FBI, Homeland Security, the US Marshall's Service and just about every other law enforcement agency in existence....
drey’s thoughts: I can’t decide if my favorite romance sub-genre is historical romance, contemporary romance, or romantic suspense. Right now romantic suspense is winning, because Deadly Sins is so engrossing and its characters captivating. The hero and heroine have a history, both professionally ...