by Sheldon Vella, Bong Dazo, Carlo Barberi, Daniel Way
Deadpool totally gets space-hitched. And kills a planet. It's a fantastic outer space adventure that starts on Earth, when Deadpool needs to kill the most feared merc out there in space. And then decides to set up shop in space. I don't have the energy for a longer review, or GIFs. I wan...
In a word: meh. If I didn't like Deadpool so much, I'd rate it even lower. Possibly my least favorite trade from this iteration of Deadpool. Luckily, the episodic nature of the storylines (or, if you're less charitable, write-for-the-trade) means that what happens here will mostly stay here and I wo...
Deadpool's still funny, but this current run is starting to feel a little samey. Not only that, but it seems to be pale shadows of some of his earlier adventures. Its not bad exactly, but its also not as good as previous entries.