by Jason Pearson, Carlo Barberi, Daniel Way
That was before I woke up, nearly in tears, and unable to get up. I wasn't working today, but I wanted to get into the studio early. That didn't happen - and Primus, the studio is hot as fuck today, stupid, stupid heat. But I managed to do art after picking up more Deadpool. So yay! Dead...
Random Ghost Rider story is random, but I guess they needed some way to give us a flashback to Weapon X.
Hm. The weakest of the new Deadpool collections so far, but not terrible. Deadpool goes to Vegas, and gets distracted by his old buddy Weasel's newest job, as the mech-suited protector of Vegas casinos. What follows is a mean-spirited heist that hammers in, at great length, that Deadpool is not a go...