by Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan, Mark Morales, James Bennett, Belardino Brabo, Jason Paz
Well done,but ultimately unable to get over problems at the core of the character. YMMV.
It got a little better when Rose/Ravager got involved. Still, Deathstroke was a distant asshole, even with his daughter, and that made it hard for me to really enjoy this series. I want to like the anti-hero I'm rooting for - and I kept wanting to see Deathstorke get hurt badly, because he was su...
2 stars. And it's all for the artwork. I can't tell you how much I was looking forward to this title. And that makes the resulting mess all the more hard to stomach. It's my own fault really, I should have paid closer attention to the name on the front cover. Not the artist; Carlo Pagulayan's art ...