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Barbara Yager was a Russian fairy tale witch. Her job was to keep balance of the natural worlds- guard the door between the human lands and the other world. Baba Yaga known as wicked witch in Russian fairy tale. Laim is human and a sheriff. Liam and Barbara and Babs- adopted daughter have formed a f...
We first meet Barbara and Liam in Wickedly Magical. Barbara is the modern version of the infamous Russian with. In Wickedly Wonderful along with solving a mystery, Barbara fell in love with Liam, a human sheriff. Now in her eighties, though she looks to be in her late twenties or early thirties, B...
Wickedly Ever After (Baba Yaga #2.5) by Deborah Blake Known as the wicked witch of Russian fairy tales, Baba Yaga is not one woman, but rather a title carried by a chosen few. They keep the balance of nature and guard the borders of our world, but don’t make the mistake of crossing one…Having tr...
Beebs' Review A short sequel to Wickedly Dangerous, Barbara, Liam and Babs must travel to the Otherworld to ask the Queen's permission to marry. After first refusing the Queen sets them 3 tasks, if they succeed they may marry, if they fail they may not and will never bother the Queen about this ma...