Deborah Devonshire
Birth date: March 31, 1920
Deborah Devonshire's Books
bookshelves: published-1995, summer-2014, skoolzy-stuff, architecture, art-forms, history, gardening, elizabethan, lifestyles-deathstyles, one-penny-wonder, paper-read Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: FutureLearn Recommended for: Laura, Jemidar etc Read on July 07, 2014 Cram packed with photographs,...
This book collects over 50 years (1954-2007)worth of letters between the dowager Duchess of Devonshire, born Deborah Mitford, the youngest of the Mitford sisters, and Patrick Leigh Fermor, an autodidact wild child who in his younger days hiked around Europe with not much more than The Oxford Book of...
The youngest, self-described illiterate, Mitford sister has written a very funny book.