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Inizio: 6 maggioFinito: 12 maggio Voto: 1/5 Consigliato: No!! La trama era carina e mi aspettavo almeno un libro simpatico da leggere invece NO... i personaggi sono irritanti e insignificanti, soprattutto la protagonista a cui avrei dato fuoco vista la sua ignoranza e imbecillità (questa neanc...
DNF at page 75 of 352. This was so boring to me. I literally kept nodding off. The writing to me was overwrought, boring, and the character of Esme had no substance to her at all. Reading about a young woman who seems hell bent on staying with a man that does not love her and her trying to force a r...
This review originally appears here: one reads reviews of this book from various venues, you see much of a rather "mixed bag" of either love it or hate it opinions, with not much middle ground. The character at the center of the story is Esme G...
I received this book free through Net Galley in exchange for a review. This book was not what I was expecting. I wasn't expecting the in depth feelings and thoughts of a woman abandoned by her baby's father. However, the journey was excellent. I was deeply moved while reading this book and had many ...
I’m usually leery of literary novels, but this one was about a bookstore, at least according to the title. I’m a book lover. I had to read it. Was it really about a bookstore? No. Was it literary? Oh, yes. And like with many literary novels, I’m a bit confused in my impressions. I can’t say that I l...