by Diana Wynne Jones
DWJ Book Toast, #10Diana Wynne Jones is one of my favorite fantasy authors, growing up and now, and I was saddened by the news of her death. I can't say I'm overcome with emotion - as personal as some of her work is to me, its not like I knew her after all - but I wish I could put into words how I f...
This once gets "I liked it" for Maree Mallory. If only it had all been about Maree instead of, yet again, handsome young men. Compared to A Sudden Wild Magic or Howl's Moving Castle but perhaps I was less aware then? Other than that, if she was a fan fiction author, she'd be the coldest prickliest w...
I love everything I read by this woman, and this book was no exception. Her characters are just so eminently likable, even when they're described as prats. This book also has one of my favorite and little-used premises, which is the notion of actual fantastical events happening to groups of fantas...
This book is an absolute must-read for anyone who makes a habit of attending sci-fi conventions. Everyone else may find it entertaining enough, but it's really for con-goers.Rupert Venables is a magid - a member of a secret brotherhood of magicians assigned to to different worlds throughout the vari...
A comfort re-read. I do love this book! However, I was startled to realize that I had bought the young reader’s edition, which has some of the slightly more dubious language edited out (I didn’t think any of it was that bad). Oh well. ***It’s hard to believe now that it’s just been a year since I fi...