In Tunnels, this series' first installment, youthful archaeologist Will Burrows went in search of his missing father and stumbled upon a huge, sinister subterranean world. In this stand-alone follow-up, the quick-witted Burrows pieces together more about the festering underground Colony and the...
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In Tunnels, this series' first installment, youthful archaeologist Will Burrows went in search of his missing father and stumbled upon a huge, sinister subterranean world. In this stand-alone follow-up, the quick-witted Burrows pieces together more about the festering underground Colony and the ultimate goal of the insidious Styx: extinction for all the Topsoilers! A high-stakes fantasy adventure; a promising choice for reluctant male readers.
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Format: hardcover
9780439871785 (0439871786)
Publish date: March 1st 2009
Publisher: Chicken House
Pages no: 656
Edition language: English
Series: Tunnels (#2)
Same as before: Interesting concept, but kinda slow and boring in execution. I guess it's because I'm a bit too old for these books, I surely would've loved it as a kid.
I'm getting more involved in the story. I like that it's well-written and that the main characters have been well-thought-out, though the supporting characters are still pretty flat.