I enjoyed this as much as the rest. I'm happy with the character growth and the DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN moment that we've all seen coming from the beginning. I have the next one queued up for later in the month sometime.
Another fun entry in Demon-Hunter series. I am not sure I understand the two husbands thing and I hope this is resolved in a more satisfactory manner in the next book. I am happy that her job with Forza is no longer a secret and I look forward to seeing how this impacts her "normal" life at home wit...
I love this series...now I wish the author would spin off a series about Allie (Kate -- the demon hunter's daughter).
I've tried to work up enough curiosity/energy to care about the outcome of Kate's demon hunting secret (especially visa vi the triangle between her, second husband Stuart and resurrected first husband Eric/David), but Kenner's plotting and prose just isn't generating enough interest for this reader....