by Stephanie Kuehn
Delicate Monsters is a very interesting, eerie, bizarre, dark story exploring themes of Necrophilia, death and mental health. The setting takes place mostly at school. It follows 3 main characters, Sadie Su, Emerson Tate and his younger brother Miles Tate. They all have strange behaviours and are di...
When I finished reading this novel, I had to ask myself, what did I just read? I guess I was lost with where the novel was going. I found myself caught up in the drama of Sadie, Emerson and Miles but what exactly the whole novel was about, it had lost me. I knew that two of the main characters wer...
MAJOR content/trigger warning for this book: Animal abuse/animal death. Several animals die/are mistreated. It makes me sick when animals are harmed in a book, especially needlessly. That definitely made me feel uncomfortable and repulsed, and I feel obligated to warn everyone that there are quite a...
I'm sat here with my mouth open wondering what the heck just happened.Yep this one has that power.I'm not sure how to describe the central plot so I won't bother trying - but never, ever in my life have I met such a bunch of completely screwed up characters. For different reasons, for a myriad of ch...
***This review has also been posted on The Social PotatoHOLY FUCKING CRAPOMGI DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW.WHAT IS THIS BOOK?WHAT IS LIFE?DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? I AM WRITING THIS IN ALL CAPS. MY EMOTIONS ARE A MESS.A couple days later, I am no longer as much of a mess. I feel slightly more no...
I received a copy from Netgalley. I'm not quite sure how to review this one. Darker themed contemporaries are not really my thing but this one sounded interesting, particularly with the hint of a possible paranormal mystery angle. On the one hand the actual writing and narrative was simply amazi...
Title: Delicate Monsters Author: Stephanie Kuehn Publisher: St. Martin Griffin Publication Date: Jun 9th 2015 Page Number: 240 pages Blurb From the Morris-Award winning author of Charm & Strange, comes a twisted and haunting tale about three teens uncovering dark secrets and even darker truths abo...