by Megan Derr
Offered for FREE from the M/M Romance Group, Hot Summer Days event. Can be downloaded for an eReader at Less Than Three Press.This was a great little short. Despite the length this was a complete story with a beginning, middle, and end and a nice HFN ending. It's not as easy as it sounds to have ...
Funny and not a dull moment. One badass, one sweet old lady, and one cute delivery boy show each other that appearances are deceiving.
Sometimes it's nice to have a quick read and this one hits all the high notes. I love a romance with humor and this one is definitely lot. Amusingly tongue-in-cheek situation and funny dialogue kept me smiling. The romance plotline was brief but rewarding, with some nice explicit sizzle at the en...
Love Jack and Allen. They had great chemistry with lots of funny banter, which I happen to love. Looking forward to reading more about these guys.
4 1/2 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews has worked very hard to be a normal guy with a normal job and a normal life and that’s just the way he wants it, but while on his delivery rounds he makes a delivery to his favourite old lady and walks in ...
3.5 stars
THIS IS MY STORY! Hehe. Okay, not my story but it was written because I posted the Dear Author request! Lol.I absolutely loved it and Jack and Allen. Allen's mom is a hoot. I hope Ms. Derr writes more about these two some day. I'd love to know how their relationship works out with Jack as Allen's ne...