Denis Mack Smith
Birth date: March 03, 1920
Denis Mack Smith's Books
Is it over? Is it truly over? Tedious, drudging and very boring. An entire month and ten days trying to digest this. I almost cannot believe I managed to finish it. The things one does for the sake of research I tell you. I was expecting something akin to a juicy scandal or information about the...
When it comes to things like World War II, I prefer to read about the daily life of hoi polloi rather than battles won and lost and the big doings of world leaders. If you want a clear and unflinching picture of life for the Italian people late in the war, this book will serve better than any novel ...
Daphne Phelps' uncle died unexpectedlyand left her a too-big, too-expensivehouse in Sicily. Somehow, Phelpsmanaged to move there anyway andsurvive anyway. Phelps spenta lot of time in the company ofsemi-celebrities of her day andmuch of the book is spent detailinglittle stories about these people.My...